Policy for Monogrammed Goods
The Monogram Mode will not be held responsible if the customer provides incorrect or unclear information as to the details of their monogramming specifications.
Please note that all monogramming & every item is unique and there may be slight variations.
Personalised goods from The Monogram Mode products cannot be returned for a refund, exchange or credit note due to change of mind due to the nature of the monogramming process.
Unless the product itself exhibits a genuine manufacturing fault or as otherwise required by law.
In such a case, products must be returned within 7 days to The Monogram Mode, Double Bay or by post to
The Monogram Mode
99 Palmer Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW, 2011.
Policy for Non- Monogrammed Goods
All non-monogrammed goods can be returned for an exchange within 14 days of purchase.